Sistema Integrato di Gestione e Controllo per il TRAsporto in Sicurezza di Merci Pericolose
Project facts sheet
- Start date: October 1st, 2006
- Duration: 66 months
- Funding scheme: Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca. Programma: Art. 12 del Decreto Ministeriale 8 agosto 2000 n. 593 – Bando Aerospazio Lazio
- Total Funding: € 3,500,000.00
- Unit Funding: € 270,000.00
TRAMP studies conditions for the realization, within the Galileo framework programme, of an innovative service for supporting the management of transportation of dangerous goods, aimed at guaranteeing high security standards.
The project concerns the design and definition of functional characteristics of the whole system and of all system functional blocks. Verification of expected results is carried on through an experimental phase via one or more provers.
In order to achieve these goals, TRAMP aims at addressing one of the most critical problems for both efficiency (and overall security) of transportation and effective policy preventing high-risk situations, such as those arising in transportation of dangerous goods. Implications of this situation, also in terms of environment protection, are well known. Summarizing, TRAMP general objectives are the following.
- To identify and study the ways to overcome obstructions that currently prevent an effective and safe design of a system for transportation of dangerous goods.
- To contribute in this way to persons safeguard and to environment quality.
- To be able to manage the integrated system.
- To contribute to the promotion of innovation capacity of region Lazio firms and, as a consequence, to promote in terms of competitiveness their reinforcement and development.
Finally, TRAMP foresees to train 11 Industrial Researchers who–once they get skilled to design, manage and develop advanced systems within their own field–can aspire to be inserted into one of the many firms operating in transportation and logistics and in the design of advanced ICT systems, thus contributing to innovation development in the area.
UNIROMA1 Unit Activity
Our research activity focuses on design and development of model checking based algorithms for safety verification of communication protocols and control policies for the control center.
- Advanced Computer Systems ACS S.p.A. (Coordinator)
- Consorzio TRAIN – Consorzio per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo di Tecnologie per il Trasporto Innovativo
- I.T.S. Information Technology Services S.P.A.
- Sviluppo Lazio S.p.a.
- Università di Cassino
- Università di Roma “La Sapienza”