USOCs KnowLedge Integration and Dissemination for Space Science Experimentation
Project facts sheet
- Project type: Collaborative Project
- Start date: January 1st, 2009
- Duration: 36 months
- Funding scheme: EC Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
- Call (part) identifier: FP7-SPACE-2007-1
- Objective: SPA.2007.2.1.01 (Space Science)
- Total Funding: € 4,858,223.00
- Unit Funding: € 178,706.84
The ULISSE project is conceived by a network of European centres already operative in space experimentation. This network is mainly based on the European USOCs including a number of research centres and companies.
The USOCs (User Support and Operation Centres) are a network of centres engaged by the European Space Agency (ESA) in various EU countries to support the operations of scientific experiments on board the International Space Station (ISS).
ESA recognises the unique expertise of the USOCs; USOC personnel have a sound scientific background, participate in research projects and realise a large number of space experiments. In addition, USOCs have well-established liaisons with the scientific community, with national public institutions and with European industries. These competences and resources make the USOC network particularly capable of generating value from space experiments.
The ULISSE project exploits this network of competences and resources to complement the ongoing activities of payload operations on the ISS with new initiatives aimed at increasing the return of scientific space activities. ULISSE will valorise and exploit scientific data from previous and future space experiments on the ISS as well as data from other space platforms, increasing the involvement of the scientific community and the awareness of the general public.
ULISSE will provide scientific and technical data concerning most scientific disciplines, such as Life Sciences including Space Medicine and Exobiology, Biotechnology, Material and Fluid Sciences.
The data will be integrated with specific services and tools for their exploitation through a middleware platform.
The project will include specific dissemination activities: scientific publications as well as publications aimed at European citizens, public events, educational activities. An important part of the project is to determine the commercial exploitation of the results of the ULISSE project, and preparing an Exploitation Plan.
UNIROMA1 Unit Activity
Our contribution focuses on developing model checking based automatic verification and validation services for data valorisation activities such as mission planning and on-board procedures controlling space experiments.
- Telespazio S.p.a. (Italy, Coordinator)
- B-USOC (Belgium)
- CNR – Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione (Italy)
- Institut de Médecine et de Physiologie Spatiales (France)
- Space Applications Services NV (Belgium)
- Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (France)
- Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy)
- Damec Research Apps (Denmark)
- National Aerospace Laboratory (The Netherlands)
- German Aerospace Center (Germany)
- Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Switzerland)
- N-USOC (Norway)
- Space Research Centre PAS (Poland)
- Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
- WERUM (Germany)
- European Low Gravity Research Association (EU)