Satellite Driven Fire Simulator
Project facts sheet

- Project type: Collaborative Project
- Coordinator: Enrico Tronci
- Start date: April 1st, 2020
- Duration: 18 months
- Funding scheme: POR FESR 2014-2020, Aerospazio
- Call (part) identifier: E84G20000150006
- Total Funding: € 250,000.00
- Unit Funding: € 73,600.00
The aim of the project is to create a software that, by exploiting the satellite images of the spelling constellations (such as Copernicus or SkyMed) of the GIS maps and the meteorological data of a local weather antenna, can estimate with a good approximation the spread of a fire front in wooded areas. This software must be able to be used by a non-highly specialized operator, directly on the site of the fire, since there is no need for particularly complex or expensive hardware.
The software will be organized in blocks independent of each other, requesting and offering services through an appropriate communication protocol. A central module is responsible for managing the correct interpretation of the requests between the various modules and the timing of execution of the commands; moreover, it ensures that the output formats of the various modules are compatible with those required by the following ones. The operator will view the information via a mobile device connected to the simulation hardware; through the same device, they can enter some parameters and start the necessary simulations.
- MPM Telecomunicazioni (Italy, Coordinator)
- Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy)
- Computer Science Department of Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
- Chemistry Department of Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)