
Energy Demand Aware Open Services for Smart Grid Intelligent Automation

Project facts sheet

  • Project type: Collaborative Project
  • Coordinator: Enrico Tronci
  • Start date: October 1st, 2012
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Funding scheme: EC Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
  • Call (part) identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-8
  • Objective: ICT-2011.6.1 (Smart Energy Grids)
  • Total Funding: € 3,299,998.00
  • Unit Funding: € 597,378.00


SmartHG developed economically viable Intelligent Automation Software services gathering real-time data about energy usage from residential homes and exploiting such data for intelligent automation pursuing two main goals: minimise energy usage and cost for each home, support the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) in optimising operation of the grid. SmartHG rests on the following four pillars.

First, Internet-based open standard protocols enabling effective communication between: i) home devices (e.g., sensors, smart appliances, local generators, electric vehicles, energy storage) and SmartHG services; ii) SmartHG services and DNO software systems; iii) any pair of SmartHG services. This will enable development of hardware device-independent energy services, possibly on the basis of the services already available.

Second, user-aware SmartHG services focusing on residential homes. Such services will measure home energy usage and local generation (e.g., from renewable sources), forecast it and actuate home devices (both loads and generators) in order to minimise the home energy bill and usage (local optimisation) with respect to a given price policy computed to attain global (grid level) optimisation.

Third, demand-side aware SmartHG services focusing on the grid. Such services will compute individual (yet fair) price policies for each single home taking into account user preferences while optimizing grid operations. Grid safety for such price policies will be formally verified using model-checking-based techniques. Furthermore, such SmartHG services will increase grid reliability by estimating and controlling (using price policies) voltages and currents in internal unmonitored nodes of the grid.

Fourth, SmartHG case studies in Kalundborg and Minsk will enable thorough technical, environmental and economical evaluation of project results. Finally, SmartHG consortium consists of three highly qualified and multidisciplinary clusters comprising: four research institutions focusing on Computer and Electrical Engineering, four Energy Service SMEs, two DNOs and a municipality. The resulting synergies will ensure the success of the project as well as the wide dissemination and the effective exploitation of the project results.

UNIROMA1 Unit Activity

UNIROMA1, the project coordinator, focuses on the design and development of model checking based software services to compute price policies and to formally verify their safety with respect to the Electrical Distribution Network.


  • Sapienza University of Rome (Italy, Coordinator)
  • Aarhus University (Denmark)
  • IMDEA Energía (Spain)
  • A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Belarus)
  • ATANVO GmbH (Germany)
  • GridManager A/S (Denmark)
  • Panoramic Power (Israel)
  • Solintel (Spain)
  • SEAS-NVE (Denmark)
  • Kalundborg Municipality (Denmark)
  • Minskenergo (Belarus)